
Four Ways Dog Retirement is Like Your Retirement

People welcome retirement with open arms and excitement after a long life of working hard and enduring the stresses of everyday life. Retirement brings new adventures, less stress and a much-needed chance to unwind and relax. After years of trying their best to protect and love you to their fullest, dogs also deserve a happy,… Read more »

St. Patrick’s Day for People, not Pets

Throughout the year there are many holiday gatherings and parties that bring family and friends together. Some occasions bring new foods and drinks to the discriminating nose of your pup, but a common theme at many parties is alcoholic beverages – especially on St. Patrick’s Day. While you can choose your favorite beverage of choice… Read more »

Holiday Gifts for Your Faithful Friends

Families with pets understand the joy a little fur baby can bring into a home. Animals hold the purpose of bringing us back to the present moment when we are otherwise engaged in life’s everyday stresses. Your little Fido can make it all worthwhile at the end of a busy day. With the holidays on… Read more »

Should You Give Your Dog Thanksgiving Table Scraps?

The holiday season is about to begin, and that means that you’ll probably be hosting a few dinners or get-togethers with your friends and family in the next few weeks – you may even be hosting Thanksgiving dinner! If you have pets, though, you should be mindful that having lots of new people in your… Read more »

Helping Your Pooch Through Halloween

Halloween is one of the most frightening nights of the year. The howls, the scary costumes, the way the air just seems to have a certain eerie electricity to it – it’s a night for the spirits, and for tricks and treats. However, this can also be a difficult night for your older canine friend…. Read more »

Fall Health Concerns With Elder Pups

From beautiful red, yellow and orange leaves to Halloween and Thanksgiving decorations in stores, the signs of autumn are in bloom. Fall brings fabulous weather, great holidays and relief from the summer heat. However, the fall season also brings health concerns for elder pups. From seasonal allergies to Halloween candy, there are a few things… Read more »

Dietary Changes for Elder Dogs

As your dog gets older, he or she could benefit from a change in diet. Your pet may remain on the same adult diet if he or she is not overweight, has no medical problems and is active, and for some older dogs, you can simply give them the same food in a smaller quantity. However,… Read more »

Summer and Your Elder Dog

With the warm weather in the forecast, it’s a great time of year for you and your four-legged friend to spend time enjoying the nice days and sunshine. However, there are a few things to keep in mind while relaxing and playing in the summer sun when it comes to your elderly companion. Here are… Read more »

Arthritis: 6 Signs Your Senior Dog is Suffering

As your dogs grow older it’s important to monitor their health. Just like humans, dogs can suffer from the aches and pains that come from arthritis. Have you noticed some limping or differences in their walk? Read on to see some of the most common signs that your dog may be suffering. Differences in Their… Read more »