Tag: Silver Streak Kennels

5 Things to Know When Caring for your Senior Dog

Considering our line of business, we here at Silver Streak Kennels understand how difficult it can be for you to cope with the fact that your pet is getting up there in age. You can remember the day that you first brought him home as a puppy but as the years have passed, that puppy… Read more »

How Dogs can Benefit from the Companionship of Other Dogs

Most families who run households with multiple pets will tell you all about the benefits that their family and the other pets get from this experience. There are many great testimonies on how having pets in your life can improve your health and overall well-being; and this appears to not just be true for the… Read more »

Signs of Health Issues in Older Dogs

Many of the dogs that end up staying with us here at Silver Streak Kennels are those who have reached an age where their health is just too much for their owners to keep up with. When they’re here with us, they have the opportunity to explore our large countryside property and play around with… Read more »

Daily Exercise is Extremely Important for the Health of Aging Pets

When your beloved canine reaches an age where he is now considered a senior, you may think that the best thing you can do is leave him be and let him rest. We can understand your thoughts behind this; you figure that he’s had a long life and now deserves to just relax. While that… Read more »