When you’re a dedicated dog lover, it can be difficult to understand how anyone could mistreat or neglect a puppy, dog, or any animal for that matter. The unfortunate reality though is that these problems do exist. An important step in helping to stop inhumane animal practices is to educate yourself about them.
You’ve probably heard of a “puppy mill” before, but do you really know what that means, or how to help fight them?
What is a puppy mill?
A puppy mill is an extensive commercial operation of dog breeding. The goal of a puppy mill is to profit off of the puppies they produce. There is little to no concern for the health or treatment of their dogs.
What’s the problem with puppy mills?
Poor Care & Environment
You might assume that once the puppies from a puppy mill have found their forever home, they’re able to thrive like any normal dog. Unfortunately, this is often not true. Dogs who are born or breeding in puppy mills receive very limited vet care, no bathing or grooming, and are subjected to nonstop breeding. They’re also confined to small cages and filthy conditions.
Breeding dogs are often killed or abandoned when they are no longer able to produce litters, and puppies frequently come out with physical health problems due to the poor conditions.
Poor Socialization
Because they’re primarily seen as product, dogs and puppies in puppy mills receive little, if any, emotional care or affection. They’re not taken for walks or able to play with humans or even other dogs. This often leads to behavioral problems in puppies brought home from a mill. Additionally, these puppies are separated from their mother suddenly and subject to stressful transport conditions.
Why would someone buy from a puppy mill?
The reason these toxic commercial breeders are able to continue their enterprises is because most people don’t realize if the puppy they purchase has come from a mill. Mills use middlemen to distribute their animals through pet shops, online sellers, dog brokers, and puppy auctions.
Most of the time, nothing seems immediately amiss. Only after the puppy is brought home do physical and behavioral issues become apparent.
How can I adopt responsibly?
One of the most effective ways to fight puppy mills is not to support them. You can do this by doing thorough research about who and where you’re adopting from and asking for proper documentation. Never meet someone in a neutral location to see a puppy, so you can confirm they are being fostered in a healthy, positive environment.
Obtain veterinary papers, as well as shipping papers, so you know what condition the puppy is in and where it’s coming from—if a puppy has been shipped within the U.S., especially Missouri, Kansas, or somewhere from the Midwest, it has likely come from a mill.
Part of being a good pet parent is understanding that you’re making a lifelong commitment when you adopt any animal and continuing to put your pet’s health and happiness first.
At Silver Streak Kennels, we understand that life can be unpredictable and sometimes unexpectedly leave you unable to properly care for your dog. That’s why we’ve dedicated our lives to quality short-term and long-term dog boarding, as well as providing dogs with the idyllic country farm for retirement. Call us today at 607-263-2007 to learn more about how we can help you give your dog the long, happy life they deserve—even if your life changes!